Expertise FPGA technologyExtensive knowledge on Xilinx, Altera and Actel devices.Integration of embedded CPU cores.Embedded debugging:Chipscope (Xilinx), Signaltap (Altera), FPGA dynamic Probe (Agilent)Design technologyAMBA and PCI bus support.DDR2, SDRAM, SRAM, FLASH memory support.SPI, I2C serial bus interfaces.Floating point units.Digital filtering.…Implementation methodologyDesigns coded in VHDL.Modular approach.Integration of customer delivered IP.Testbench verification on all hierarchical levels.Extensive use of test scripting for automatic code verification.Platform independent implementation.Application areasData- and Telecommunication: TDM, ISDN, ATM, DVB, Optical links, wireless, ...Space applications.Digital image processing.Control systems for industrial machines.